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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA ORTHODOXA - Issue no. 2 / 2007  

  Abstract:  Saints Petru and Pavel. Saints Petru and Pavel on 29th of june, after a fast called in the ancient times the one of cincizecime there is celebrated the holiday of the saints apostles petru and pavel. In the rural tradition, this day kept with much splendour was called sân-petru of summer because the saint petru was considered the protector of the farmers. Also then it was practised the custom of mosi of sân-petru. Many of the folk stories have as hero the saint petru, who it is said he had many happenings while he walked with the god on the earth. But although from this point of view saint petru has a pre-eminence of the holiday, however the folk transylvanian iconography did not elaborated an individual icon of the saint but the common model accepted reveals the imagistic quintessence of the old tradition: saint petru and saint pavel are painted to the right and to the left of a church; and the story of this church is the same old as the christian faith ... A roman medal representing the two apostles dated from the 2nd or 3rd century a. D. And come from the vatican museum; it is important to remark the fact that also later the physionomic characteristics of the two saints are kept at the icons. Why are the two apostles represented together from the beginning? Because as they would be named in the church tradition, they are “the great of the apostles”. This image of pillars of the church would be drawn beginning with the synod from jerusalem in the year 48 when, according to the concordia apostolorum, petru represented the church of the law (old) and pavel the church of the grace (being apostle of the peoples). In this respect there are also the words of apostle pavel: “the gospel was given to me for the ones not cut around, as to petru the ones cut around” (ga. 2, 7). In a roman sculpture of the 5th century, petru and pavel, the great of the apostles are represented with christ between them.  
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